Sunday, July 19, 2009

Welcome !!!

Hello Friends,

Welcome to my blog.

' TechnoPrax ' is primarily a technology blog. It basically addresses recent developments in the technology we use. New Software Releases and Upgrades are among the top concern here. It also serves as an 'Information Hub' for various competitions and programs taking place all around the world.

Apart from this, the blog also features a special section as " CODIES : The Digital Roadies ". It will include 'Find an Error', 'Generate the Output' and other such problems. The blog will also try to throw some light on the intricacies of C, the mother of all languages. Followers participation through comments and solutions is required for continuity of this section.

This blog will also offer information about the happenings in organisations and groups I am associated with, viz. SVNIT, ACM, MSP and SVNIT Tech Club. I look forward for your comments and suggestions for improvement of this blog.

Thank You and Happy Surfing. :)

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